This Content Doesn’t Need a Title

I rarely begin with a title of a blog or chapter. Sometimes I actually despise the entire concept of titles. One reason is that titles have always forced me into an uncomfortable and critical frenzy. Trying to come up with the most clever pun that is foreshadowing but not revealing. A few string of words [...]

That One Time I Almost Died

The title of this post says it all. I know that I do not write very often anymore, and I hope if you are reading this that you can still trust my words. Either way I have a story to share. One where the storm still rages on. I am actually afraid to type out [...]

Amongst the Trees

Tonight there is much on my mind. And I am trying to silence all the worries and "what if's". I am finding my mind to be cluttered. Like a garage that has seen too many good years and too few yard sales. I am trying to focus on an image I have midst the mess. [...]

Nashville in the Rearview Mirror

  The sad thing is because of the route we took I never got to have my moment looking in the rearview mirror to see the Nashville skyline shrink into the distance. As my wife likes to say "Matt is always the Romantic". Which is incredibly accurate, for those who have studied literature or history, [...]

There is no try, there is only Do.

I spend so much time not writing or doing what I love because I am so concerned about how it will be received or if it will be good enough. This fear or concern causes a production freeze. I consider the option that doing nothing is better than producing something bad. I think this thought [...]

Thy Will Be Done

If you know me, I don't think you would deny that I can be a bit of a "willful" person. I do not like being told what to do. And goodness do I have some fiery opinions. I will try to keep the "Christianese" to a minimum, but there are certain phrases that while foreign [...]


I've been running for a really long time. Almost four years it seems. I know, running is a silly word choice for someone who uses a motorized scooter. But we can run too! I am not even sure if this post will make it onto the internet. Here I am, though, typing anyway and seeing [...]

Little Distractions

Small distractions pile up to make big mountains. They don't make a wall, like you would think, rather they pile. Under my feet they just grow and grow until the still earth is miles below. Whether you are afraid of heights or not. We are all grasped by that chest-tightening fear when we look too [...]

Nashville and more…

It has been right around eleven months since I have posted on this blog. It has been over two years since I have felt capable of writing anything but garbage. Even now as my fingers are fumbling to find the correct keys to press, I feel inadequate to be writing anything let alone publishing it [...]

Messy Second Chances

Before you start reading this post I would encourage you to watch the video above and then when you are done watch the video at the bottom of the post. It is not often that I include media into my posts. But I believe both of these songs have dictated what I am about to [...]