Today, Tomorrow and the Next Day

My family's circumstance caved in a little more today. Our stability shook a bit again. But God is good. Still good. Today, tomorrow and every day thereafter. I do not have an entire blog to write about this, but I have the burning need to profess God's provision midst the depths of need. Tragedy, trauma [...]

Thy Will Be Done

If you know me, I don't think you would deny that I can be a bit of a "willful" person. I do not like being told what to do. And goodness do I have some fiery opinions. I will try to keep the "Christianese" to a minimum, but there are certain phrases that while foreign [...]

30 Days of Writing: Day Fourteen

Day 14. Well my laptop stopped working today am I had a lot that I wanted to write. There is only so much you can type on an iPhone but alas that is what I have to do. So I am asking now that you forgive the many spelling and grammar mistakes that are about [...]

30 Days of Writing: Day Twelve

Day 12. I was not able to post anything to the blog yesterday because my internet decided to take a vacation day. Well it is working now. So I guess I have to proceed. Not posting one day and today I am fighting myself to get back on my laptop and type. It seems too [...]